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Did You Know... Self-awareness is the 'doorway' to being successful, as a leader, as well as a high performance teams.  Some of the comprehensive individual and team assessments People Strategy Consulting offers are listed below. Contact us here or call 502.721.9058 for more information on these or other assessments we offer that provide candid and realistic feedback! 


Chally Predictive Assessment- measures strengths in validated job competencies and identities development areas relative to the predictive skills of an individual for a particular leadership position or individual contributor role.


Multi-Rater (360) Assessments- provides feedback (from manager, peers, direct reports) on observed behaviors as related to desired skills. PSC is certified in a variety of 360 assessments, such as Benchmarks, Life Styles Inventory, and PDI. Emotional Intelligence Index: Focuses on the relationship of behaviors and feelings and the impact of one's E..I. (Emotional Intelligence) on work performance. 


FIRO-B- Identifies one's interpersonal needs regarding inclusion, control, and openness. Mastering the Change Curve: Helps individuals learn how to  recognize, understand, accept, and move through each phase of organizational change. 


Organizational Culture Inventory- Identifies desired and expected behaviors in the workplace, as compared to what people experience in their work environment. 


Myers-Brigg Type Inventory- Describes the impact of individual preferences and  interpersonal styles in communications, problem solving, planning, and decision making. 


Parker Team Player Survey- Identifies each individual's primary style as a team player - contributor, collaborator, communicator or challenger 


Thomas Kilmann Inventory: Conflict Mode Instrument- Understanding one's style in dealing with conflict - competing, compromising, collaborating, avoiding, or accommodating.

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